Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de absorb

to absorbabsorber

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I absorbyo absorbo
you absorbtú absorbes
he absorbsél absorbe
she absorbsella absorbe
we absorbnosotros absorbemos
you absorbvosotros absorbéis
they absorbellos absorben
they absorbellas absorben

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I absorbedyo absorbí
you absorbedtú absorbiste
he absorbedél absorbió
she absorbedella absorbió
we absorbednosotros absorbimos
you absorbedvosotros absorbisteis
they absorbedellos absorbieron
they absorbedellas absorbieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have absorbed
you have absorbed
he has absorbed
she has absorbed
we have absorbed
you have absorbed
they have absorbed
they have absorbed

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had absorbed
you had absorbed
he had absorbed
she had absorbed
we had absorbed
you had absorbed
they had absorbed
they had absorbed

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will absorbyo absorberé
you will absorbtú absorberás
he will absorbél absorberá
she will absorbella absorberá
we will absorbnosotros absorberemos
you will absorbvosotros absorberéis
they will absorbellos absorberán
they will absorbellas absorberán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have absorbed
you will have absorbed
he will have absorbed
she will have absorbed
we will have absorbed
you will have absorbed
they will have absorbed
they will have absorbed

I would absorbyo absorbería
you would absorbtú absorberías
he would absorbél absorbería
she would absorbella absorbería
we would absorbnosotros absorberíamos
you would absorbvosotros absorberíais
they would absorbellos absorberían
they would absorbellas absorberían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have absorbed
you would have absorbed
he would have absorbed
she would have absorbed
we would have absorbed
you would have absorbed
they would have absorbed
they would have absorbed

Participio presenteAnotado
absorbing absorbiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
absorbed absorbido

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